Libra Daily Forecast

You could have a some time to play with today, so what kind of game are you in the mood for? If you do something fun that’s also physical, you’re sure to have a fabulous time! Bonus points if you can partake in some sporting activity with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Everyone is in a great mood to blow off some steam and get competitive without getting out of hand. Few things will feel as rewarding today as whooping it up with your favorite people.
Thoughts and feelings are likely coming a mile a minute now. Instead of getting overwrought or overthinking a situation, get out your head with a long walk, dance party, or whatever else suits your fancy.
Trying to get what you both want can be frustrating, especially if those desires aren’t running in the same direction. Give yourselves a time-out. Retire to your separate corners and think about ways to compromise.
With so many people being tight with money, the word cheap has taken on new meaning. Don’t let it apply to you, no matter how thrifty you’re forced to be.