Libra Daily Forecast
Today, there is no such thing as fair. In a negotiation, someone is going to feel like they got the short end of the stick even if they got the longer end. It might be you, or it might be the other person you’ve been dealing with. If it’s them, you should be prepared for them to use emotion to try to get you to change your position. If it’s you, be careful that you don’t vent your emotions. It won’t accomplish anything, and it could negatively affect your reputation.
It’s a good day for romance, so look your best. Getting out and getting noticed is the order of the day, so what are you waiting for?
Too much flash and glamour could actually turn your partner off. Spend some time figuring out what they need from this relationship. If that means being a bit less flamboyant, so be it. You’ll both be happier.
You’ve been working twice as hard for half as much. A personal day is a must, and there’s no better time than the present. Treat yourself to a break, a movie, a meal — anything within budget.