Libra Daily Forecast
If you had something scheduled for today, whether a firm plan or a half-expected appointment, you should probably just move on. Things may not turn out the way you expect them to, but the good news is that you’re always up for a change of plan. That’s especially true right now, since you have friends in high places who can help you to make the best of a bad situation.
Your attention span is somewhat more limited today, which in turn affects your schedule. Instead of spending every last minute wondering what your crush wants to do, concentrate on your own needs and take care of them quickly.
A troubling issue may be causing a rift in your normally happy home life. You’ll want to nip this situation in the bud. Sit down with your partner and talk it over. You’ll be able to make everything right again.
Excuse me, is your name Cassandra? You have a unique way of looking at the current financial situation but no one is listening to you. Use it to make your own private profit.