Daily Forecast Libra 11-18


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Stop punishing yourself for mental sins and try to leave the past where it belongs — far behind you. Learn to absorb the right lessons from past mistakes, but don’t pile on the guilt for anything you did out of ignorance or naivete. If you had never made any mistakes, you’d never have learned a thing, and if you never learn, you never grow. Who wants to live like that?

Singles Lovescope

Don’t be surprised if you do and say totally uncharacteristic things. A romantic breeze is blowing in your life, and it’s creating the craziest ideas in your head. Go with it. Allow the emotions to flutter — nothing’s too corny when it comes to love.

Couple Lovescope

See if you can find a way to treat the mundane stuff you’ve got to do to maintain your relationship as more exciting and adventurous. It’s easy if you just use that imagination.


Tired of obsessing over money? Try something new. Personal ideas should be more important than financial ones today, as long as they fit within your budget, of course.



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