Daily Forecast Libra 12-19


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Do you think that if you spend your energy trying to make other people happy that you’ll end up making yourself happy? That kind of logic won’t work today. If you want to be happy, you’ve got to make yourself happy. It feels good to come to the aid of other people, but you won’t get a true sense of self-nurturing unless you do something selfish today. Carve out some time to treat yourself to something you want, and don’t feel guilty about it!

Singles Lovescope

Celebrate the single life with simple pleasures: time with friends, a nap whenever you feel like it, reading that awesome book late into the night. It’s your world, so make the most of it.

Couple Lovescope

Aren’t you tired of underestimating your own importance in this relationship? Is it any wonder you feel underappreciated by people who should know better? Your self-worth is far greater than you estimate.


Even an innocent latte can break your bank in this economy. The small details are beginning to matter as much as the bigger ones did. You can cut back on your grocery bills and still eat yourself out of house and home.



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