Pisces Daily Forecast
Add some personal touches to any and all writing you do today. Otherwise, your creative writing skills are in danger of rusting away! Even a little flourish to your signature says something about you. Don’t wait until you’re asked to write a novel or wedding speech. You have to try to integrate your creativity in absolutely everything you do, including e-mails and form letters.
What’s cooking? Use the power of a home-cooked meal to impress that new cutie in your life. Invite them over for supper and show off what you can do. Remember that you don’t have to be a professional chef — just put some love in the mix and you’ve got them begging for more.
Go on a fact-finding mission and get to the bottom of something that’s been puzzling you. Recruit your partner to join you, and have fun playing super sleuths together.
One good thing about lowering financial expectations is that other things just don’t matter as much, either. It’s a lot harder to get a rise out of you these days. But someone tries to do it, even though the game is only penny ante. Don’t bite.