Daily Forecast Pisces 03-30


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Relationship roles shift all the time. Someone is always driving the agenda, while the other person is content to just go along with it. But today you can expect a major tectonic shift. A friend or romantic partner is suddenly in a position to wield a lot more power over your life than usual. Whether they use it and how they use it is something you can influence more than you realize. So decide whether or not you want to let them take over the power position.

Singles Lovescope

Are you feeling introspective? Call someone close and have a discussion of your fondest hopes and deepest desires. Sometimes saying it all out loud can help to bring things into focus.

Couple Lovescope

You two share almost everything, so why do you feel possessive about letting them drink your special coffee or use your fancy shampoo? Sometimes you want certain things to be yours and yours alone. And that’s okay.


Your issues today have more to do with your hard-headedness than your thick skin. You can change both parts of yourself, though, simply by coming out of your shell and participating. Ninety five percent of the profit can be made simply by showing up.


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