Pisces Daily Forecast
When was the last time you cooked a delicious meal? Whether it was just last night or never before, today’s the day to get a cookbook or go online or call your grandmother and ask for her best dinner recipe. Then go grocery shopping (and if you don’t own any pots or pans, you might want to pick up a few of those too). Set aside a few hours and explore the world of food preparation. Nourishing yourself and others is no small feat!
Before you start looking forward, take some time to look back. What have you learned from your recent romantic past? What would you like to take with you, and what would you like to leave behind?
Dealing with money issues isn’t fun, especially when they involve your partner, but you know that it’s vital to your continued happiness. So get it over with and you’ll be able to move on to something more enjoyable.
You’re fretting over bills when you should be socializing or relaxing. If you just can’t keep your mind off of finances, then at least spend the time coming up with a plan of attack instead of simply stewing. Get out the calculator and start going over the details.