Daily Forecast Pisces 04-07


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Who needs a specific reason to celebrate? Especially for someone who’s had the last few weeks you’ve had. Bet you can easily talk someone into taking the day off with you. When was the last time you took a nice, long drive with a friend with absolutely no destination in mind? This is as good a time as any!

Singles Lovescope

It takes a lot to impress you, but this person has really thrown you for a loop. This grand gesture would seem phony from someone else, but they have just what it takes to make the dramatic seem authentic.

Couple Lovescope

You’re focusing on the long-term health of your relationship today instead of the day-to-day details. Now is a good time to talk about big issues, but avoid preaching.


Yesterday was about feelings. Today you have more pressing matters on your mind. Initiate intellectual conversations. You may make a new business partner.



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