Daily Forecast Pisces 04-14


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

This could be one great day for you, but it might not be such a winner for one of the most important people in your life. Being sensitive to their moods while celebrating your good fortune is a delicate dance, but you can do it. Just don’t gloat too much around them. You definitely shouldn’t set aside your happiness because you’re afraid it might make them feel bad, though. They wouldn’t want you to do it. Besides, it’s a bad habit to get into.

Singles Lovescope

Today, you might start a little romance that ends up taking you on a big trip. Where will the two of you end up? South America? South Pole? South Seas? Or maybe somewhere a little farther north?

Couple Lovescope

The plans you made may not work out as you’d hoped. Don’t worry. As long as you and your loved one are together, you can make anything into a good time.


Throwing money at a failing romance wouldn’t help you much, so why toss your cash at other bad problems? Figure out a way to feel good about a situation without opening your wallet.



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