Daily Forecast Pisces 04-18


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

So what if things aren’t completely wonderful in your life right now? Just keep your hopes high and your fingers crossed. Renewal is in the air right now, and while it still remains to be seen whether or not the renewal will bring all the changes you want, you will only be better off by thinking positively. Being with the people who make you feel good about yourself can help keep your thoughts bright, so get together with your closest friend as soon as you can.

Singles Lovescope

Get your home and workplace back in order. Your surroundings reflect your mental and emotional state right now, so take them seriously. After you take care of all the basics, buy yourself something nice.

Couple Lovescope

You two need to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Skip the usual TV-and-bed routine. Get tickets to the theater or an author’s reading. It’ll stimulate the gray matter (not to mention other parts of your life as well).


If you tend to think giving up means losing, then you could be throwing good money after bad today. Your instincts are to dig in you heels and do as little as possible when you think things are going wrong but that’s exactly the wrong thing to do. Make a move at the first sign of frustration.



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