Daily Forecast Pisces 04-29


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

For quite a while now, you’ve been thinking about what to do about your relationship with a certain someone who tends to be a bit on the possessive side. Should you end it, slow it down, or jump right in? The fact that you’re unsure is a statement in itself. You’re feeling serious about everything and you want a return on your efforts, so you may not want to end it just yet, but keep a careful eye on that jealousy thing.

Singles Lovescope

Stay close to home — you find comfort among familiar things. Creep under the covers with an old book and a cup of something warm. Take time to regroup, as you’re just about due for a big, exciting change.

Couple Lovescope

Heaven forbid that for once you and your partner do something purely frivolous just because you want to. Well, you should. It can have a bracing effect on your relationship.


When someone in the know gives you advice, it makes sense to listen. That doesn’t mean you have to give the reins over to them but what they are telling you does make financial sense. Take it into consideration because it could be the nugget that’s an answer to your wishes.



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