Daily Forecast Pisces 05-13


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Change is more than good for you right now. It’s absolutely necessary! You’ve been mulling more than a few bright and fresh new ideas in your head, and today is a great time to pick one and start moving forward on it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new career, trip, new health regimen, or just a new haircut, moving into a new phase has never felt so right. Taking control of your life is always a good idea.

Singles Lovescope

If something is getting you down today, make sure you don’t hold it in. People are there for you and they want you to confide in them. Return the favor when one of them comes to you feeling blue.

Couple Lovescope

You have ideas about how your relationship should be progressing, but you can pretty much count on them going out the window now. Sometimes you have to sidestep, or step back, to move forward.


Your dreams leave you slow and exhausted early in the day, but you can shake the feeling with but a bit of effort. Be sure you do, because there is a lot of money to be made today once you snap out of it. Don’t waste time sulking alone.



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