Daily Forecast Pisces 07-16


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You could still be a little irritated about past events, but it really is time just to let go and forget it. Do yourself and anyone you live with a favor and move on. Holding grudges only hurts you. It doesn’t to a thing to the other person. Life’s too short! Live in the present and look toward the future.

Singles Lovescope

Your friends might mean well, but their advice isn’t the law. Sometimes you have to go with your instinct even if it’s an unpopular notion. Have the courage to stick to your decision rather than give in to peer pressure.

Couple Lovescope

Life’s funny. If you had caught an earlier train, not gone to the party, or gone to another party, you two might never have met. Some people call it fate. Others call it coincidence. Either way, you like the result!


You may feel that the comings and goings of others are holding you back. True, it’s about the time of year to expect everyone to either disappear or slack off, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Start figuring out which things you can accomplish alone and tackle them.



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