Pisces Daily Forecast
Your kookiest ideas are so crazy that they just might work today, so try not to edit yourself. Censoring what you contribute to the group at large might be your idea of protecting your reputation, but it’s probably accomplishing just the opposite. It’s all about quantity right now. Don’t wait for an idea to be completely fleshed out before presenting it to everyone. Just spit it out! Think out loud and show people how your thought process works. You’ll understand it better yourself.
Something new breathes fresh life into your romantic business. It could be as small as a new lip gloss or sunglasses, or maybe something grander, but it gives you a new lease on love.
Juggling life and career commitments can get tricky if your partner grows impatient with their position on your list of priorities. Work together to find a realistic compromise and move quickly to make it reality.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but not in the way you imagine. Yes, your bank account could use an infusion but so could your love life. Focus on romance instead of money.