Pisces Daily Forecast
Be careful not to overdo it today. Keeping things on an even keel will do wonders for your energy level and social life. If you’re going to a social gathering, don’t overdo it. Just be yourself and that will make people feel comfortable. At work, don’t make a big show out of your latest idea. Just present it, argue for it, and then let the chips fall where they may. Being too loud will only show you in a bad light.
Hopeless infatuation is only romantic in books and movies. In real life, it’s just a waste of time and energy, and your friends can get sick of hearing about it pretty quickly. It’s time to move on.
Kicking off something new when it comes to the two of you is definitely favored now, so why not spring that plan on your partner? They’ll be impressed with the way you’ve thought of every detail.
You have a lot to worry about, or nothing at all of concern, depending on how you look at things. There is really nothing that will suffer terribly from a bit of postponement. On the other hand, you might as well tackle the things that are giving you extra wrinkles. The choice is yours.