Daily Forecast Pisces 09-10


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Love, romance, laughter — you’ve got all the right elements put together, but it might all feel like a house of cards. Make sure you’ve cleared everything with that special someone in your life, or it all could blow over in a strong wind. Communication is the key to ensuring that these grand plans come off in grand style. You should never assume that someone else knows what you’re thinking anyway — but that goes double right now.

Singles Lovescope

Force yourself to get plenty of work done during the day. The sense of accomplishment you get should give you a real glow, and you should be all powered up to enjoy your night. Make plans with someone hot!

Couple Lovescope

Resist the temptation to rush ahead. Take things slowly with your partner tonight. Let the tension build as you explore each other’s bodies and make new discoveries about each other.


You’re suddenly feeling optimistic. Don’t just hope the feeling will grow. Keeping it to yourself is a waste, but share your feelings with others and it will multiply almost effortlessly. That’s because it roots them in a reality outside of yourself, where they cannot be denied.



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