Pisces Daily Forecast

The more extravagantly you spend right now, the less money you will have later. Your finances are finite, you know. If you want to keep dipping into the money well, you need to keep putting more in there! Saving your money isn’t supposed to be fun, and right now it could hurt just a little bit. But by tightening your belt now, you will be able to loosen up later. You need to learn that delayed gratification can be much sweeter than the immediate kind.
It’s the little things that can really make a day special. Enjoy the thrill of making lingering eye contact with a cute stranger in a cafe, or have a ball composing a flirty message.
Putting your foot down feels good momentarily, but it doesn’t really work in the long run between you and your partner. Think about ways in which you can both get what you need, not just what you want.
No one gets a reputation for blending into the background. You need to find the thing you are best at, the one that makes you stand out in a crowd. You have been wasting your time on something that is simply not your style. It shouldn’t be a surprise that it hasn’t paid off.