Pisces Daily Forecast

Emotional upheaval can cause even the most level-headed people to say things they don’t really mean. Keep that in mind if you overhear a surprising comment today. Eavesdropping is a fabulous sport, but it can be dangerous. Information you get that way isn’t reliable, so whatever you do, don’t repeat what you hear! This comment was heard out of context, so you don’t know what it is you actually heard. Keep it to yourself and mind your own business.
It’s time to innovate. If you usually go with something like ‘So, what do you do?’ What’s the last movie they really loved? What are they putting off reading? Make it something big and bold!
Your pride may get bruised when your partner forgets to coddle it, but do your best not to pout. You’re out of sync today, and you’ll struggle to guess the needs of others.
If you managed to hold onto your values when times were flush, it’s not idealistic to imagine holding onto them now. For some reason it takes a bit more discipline for you now but keep fighting the good fight.