Pisces Daily Forecast

You have a firm grip on all of your things and you don’t want to let any of them go. What is causing you to be so possessive? Chances are there is plenty of everything to go around. Loosen your stronghold and think about sharing what you have with the other people in your life. And try not to keep such close tabs on trivial things, such as whose food is whose or who bought the last round of drinks. Sometimes the more you give, the more you get in return. And besides, it might be nice to be known as the generous one.
If you want some serious forward motion in your love life, you’re going to have to wait for a bit. Keep your spirit in it, and keep walking down that road. It’s all about timing, you know!
Yes, you’re this person’s significant other, but that doesn’t mean you have to be attached at the hip at all times. Explain this gently. Alone time is part of what keeps this relationship healthy and strong.
You’re too stubborn to give up! If you started a get rich quick scheme, the only thing you need to change about your plan is the quick part, and that’s actually a big improvement.