Pisces Daily Forecast

Forget that whole “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” baloney. You’re wasting time by giving energy to people who don’t want the best for you right now. Ditch your enemies and devote your free time to getting closer to the people who make you smile and feel good about yourself. And given the fact that you should be sticking to a modest budget for a while, any type of get-together needs to be humble and quiet. Conserve your money.
Like actions, thoughts have consequences. Now it’s time to look at how you think about love. The positive can outweigh the negative once you examine your belief system and make a few little tweaks.
You have strengths you may not even be aware of. If you’re wondering what they might be, ask your partner. They see things in you that you don’t see in yourself. Be prepared to be enlightened.
Be aware of how you come across to others. You may be shooting yourself in the foot with your own efforts. You’re projecting something extreme, when what you actually feel is much more balanced.