Pisces Daily Forecast

You’ve never been especially fond of sharing intimate issues with others, even if you know them well. So if someone who isn’t at all close to you tries to get too personal, you won’t put up with it. You’ll dismiss them, and you probably won’t do it delicately, either. The funny thing is, with your gift for sarcasm, they may not realize that you actually just let them have it until they’re walking away.
Sometimes it’s just easier to give in to an overly emotional state and let it have its way with you. Consider watching a sappy movie for cathartic purposes, or go for a good, long run.
It seems like you and your partner are always in a hurry. Have you forgotten about the joys of taking it slow? That’s the only way to ensure you’ve done everything properly and that you have fun along the way.
You want to take a hatchet to all that’s in your way and clear your own path to success. Unfortunately, the only way to get from Point A to Point B is with the help of others. Try to have fun working together instead of fancying yourself a modern day Paul Bunyon.