Daily Forecast Pisces 10-18


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

In the interest of keeping the group in harmony, encourage compromise. There is a lot of subliminal stuff going on, and people don’t all share the same goals. To make sure that no one person uses the group power to get what’s best for only them, you’ll have to keep a sharp eye on the prize. Reinforce what goals everyone should be working for. Don’t let one strong personality hijack everything for their own gain. You have the skills to keep things civil.

Singles Lovescope

Your social life’s emphasized now, and what seems like a problem can be transformed into a unique opportunity. Come out of your protective shell, and draw other people out of theirs.

Couple Lovescope

Privately, your partner agrees with and even supports your opinion, but now might not be quite the time to express it openly. Bide your time. When it’s the right moment to speak up, you’ll know.


You may have the urge to redecorate or change the house in some way, but not the means. At least not for anything radical. That leaves you plenty of time to explore the roots of your more fatuous longings in the first place.



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