Pisces Daily Forecast

Listen carefully and you might be able to hear some grumbles of discontent from colleagues or even your boss. Don’t worry too much, but try to keep their objections in mind as you go about marshaling resources for the next big push you’ve got to take care of. You work hard and you need access to the highest-quality supplies to do things right, but others could feel like they’re being left out.
If you’re stressed, you’re not taking care of yourself. Carve out a chunk of time to do nothing. Lie on the couch and look up at the ceiling. Collect your thoughts before you make your next move.
Surprise your partner by tucking a romantic note in their pocket. Go sweet and sentimental or get their pulse racing by describing in detail what you’d like to do with them later this evening.
Your regular way of doing things is totally different than it was even a few months back. In fact, you can hardly call it your regular way of doing things. You’ll adjust sooner rather than later. In the mean time, keep an open mind.