Daily Forecast Pisces 12-14


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s the squeaky wheel that usually gets the grease, so if you’re in need of some attention today, you’ll have to speak up loudly, early, and often! The usual agitators in your group won’t be making much noise right now, so the coast should be clear for you to take center stage for a while. You might have to grab this attention soon, though. Your window of opportunity will be closing by the end of the day. So speak up now or forever hold your peace.

Singles Lovescope

Your independence means quite a bit to you, so you’ve set up your life so you can come and go. But that same lack of ties can leave you feeling at loose ends sometimes. It’s certainly time to look for connections.

Couple Lovescope

Many arguments stem from misunderstandings about money matters. Today is the perfect time to reevaluate why cash continues to come between you two. Contemplate fiscal facts over fiction.


Don’t let your feelings direct your actions. Throwing up your hands is a romantic gesture but it’s not at all necessary. Money isn’t impossible to make, it just takes a bit more calculating.



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