Daily Forecast Scorpio 01-01


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

All your friends could be running around visiting the latest hot spots, shopping for the latest fashion trends, and picking up on the latest celebrity gossip, but you have more substantial matters on your mind. Beg out of a frivolous discussion or outing and skip out on the action for a while. Being in the middle of everything isn’t right for you now. Shallow ideas and shallow people hold no attraction. Seek substance and things that last today.

Singles Lovescope

You had your heart set on someone not that long ago, but now nothing’s set. Everything’s a blur. Try to focus on one person and you’ll feel less dizzy.

Couple Lovescope

You got it done when you said you’d get it done, so why is your partner making such a big deal about it? Give credit where it’s due. You really managed to pull off this one against the odds.


You’re unhappy with the way you make money. It may be glamorous or bring in more than you need, but you’re convinced you’d be just as happy selling antiques at a flea market. The feeling will pass, so endure.



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