Scorpio Daily Forecast
Does it seem like you’re in the dark today? Don’t be afraid to use your other senses. You might have few details (or no details) to work with, but you can still use your intuition to figure out what’s going on. Trust yourself to know what the right steps are. You know where you need to go next. Other people could have a lot of advice to give you, and you should definitely listen. But you mustn’t forget that ultimately you’re the one in control.
Looking to the future is great, but don’t get too far out there now. There’s something (or someone!) right here in the present that deserves some serious (or is it flirtatious?) attention.
Is being right regarding this situation worth the aggravation? You and your partner are so caught up debating the finer points that you aren’t seeing the big picture. What’s really at stake here?
You’re feeling good and your intuition tells you that those around you feel good, too. Money can’t buy the soft glow of love you are living in. Art, music, even poetry pale compared to what’s being communicated via the unspoken word. This side of you and doesn’t come out often, so enjoy.