Scorpio Daily Forecast

Make a connection with a stranger today. Start up a casual conversation. Having genuine contact with an unknown entity can give you some surprise perks. Being charming and friendly when you don’t have to could bring you upgrades, free extras, or maybe just a sweet little ego boost. Reach out and make a new friend. It’s all good, and it doesn’t have to be for long. Choose to have a pleasant experience instead of an average one.
Your eerie aptitude for making new friends quickly is totally switched on right now, and, of course, new friends can turn into something more or introduce you to their own friends who may be romantic possibilities.
Being in a relationship doesn’t preclude making new friends, and right now you might really connect with someone. Plan an outing so your partner can enjoy your discovery too.
When you daydream about riches, you get an infusion of excitement about all of life’s possibilities. So don’t bother being realistic when you indulge in this kind of rapture. When it comes to financial success, the sky’s the limit.