Daily Forecast Scorpio 04-29


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You know how you’ve had the feeling lately that something big is coming along? As usual, you’re right. A group is about to ask, if not outright beg, that you become more involved. A lot more involved. Does this mean your fun is over? Will you have to worry about things like organization, paperwork, and so on? Not hardly. Delegate, delegate, delegate. You’re the ideas person. That’s why they want you. Assemble your staff.

Singles Lovescope

Today, treat your emotions like you’re playing hide-and-seek. That is, count to ten. Then try to figure out where they’re hiding. Then go ahead and seek! What will you find?

Couple Lovescope

You don’t have to wait for your partner to make the first move. Turn the tables and be the initiator. Who knows? You may even find you like to take the lead sometimes!


Things may have slowed down, but you can still achieve your financial goals. Whether you change tacks or simply plod on are your only options. Spend time trying to plan ahead.



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