Scorpio Daily Forecast

If a friend seems intent on backing away from the world, temporarily, at least, and you’re asked by their loved ones to drag them back, think before you agree. Haven’t you ever felt the need to put some serious distance between you and every other human on the planet? Sure you have. Don’t bother them. Just be sure they’re all right, but once that’s done, you’re also done.
What do you need do to shake the blues? Plan a preemptive strike because your energy reserves may be a bit low. Take a long walk to get the blood flowing.
You’re feeling extra confident today, and it shows in everything you do. Your partner can’t help but notice the difference in you. When you feel good about yourself, you become even more appealing.
Can you be tuned into the big financial picture and still spend time loving and being loved by friends? It is most likely. The people who really love you will understand.