Scorpio Daily Forecast

The devil is not in the details today; it’s in the nuances. Getting close to the finish line isn’t the same thing as crossing it, so make sure you focus on follow-through right now. You don’t work in a vacuum, and the influence other people have over you might not be a productive thing. Be by yourself to get stuff done. A quiet room and a couple of hours are probably all you need to ensure that everything is just the way it should be.
Are you investing all your resources in a person or situation and receiving nothing back? You’ve reached the point of diminishing returns. Cut your losses and move on, especially if you’re dealing with a love interest.
Stop thinking about what others owe you. Instead, wipe the slate clean. Relationships should never include emotional IOUs. Erase the mental tally marks and start fresh.
You think you know your friends, but something makes you see them in a white new light. They’re either spending way more than you or way less. It’s not the amount itself that’s so important, it’s your utter surprise.