Scorpio Daily Forecast

You’ve got every right to keep on smiling until your face hurts. That’s even more true if you’re near someone who’s wearing the same expression, which you’re sure to be after what’s been going on lately. Don’t feel obliged to share every bit of news with anyone, and don’t feel guilty about your silence. The rest of the world could end up feeling envious, but they should also eventually be happy for you.
Feel like you’re lookin’ for love in all the wrong places? Maybe you need to stop looking for love like it’s a job. If you’re spending a lot of time fussing with it, give it up. There are simpler ways. Be patient.
Communication is what matters more than anything else in a relationship. If you two can understand each other on a real level, everything else is just gravy. The stars help by giving you a dose of empathy.
You might not have the same limitless supply of energy that you had when you were young, but you have acquired many other things to take its place. Your sharp tongue, for one. You won’t mince words today when you read the numbers and don’t like what you see. You know just how to make others spring to action.