Scorpio Daily Forecast

Feel like you’ve been on a roller-coaster ride over the past few days? If so, you’re in for some welcome news. All signs point toward today being a very good day for you. It will be full of just enough new, exciting things and old, comforting things to keep you smiling. A nice surprise toward the afternoon will remind you of how much you’re loved by the friends you’ve chosen to be in your life. You’re on the right track, and you totally know it.
Don’t get too caught up in somebody else’s complicated love life. If they can’t keep things straight, how are you supposed to help? You’ve got your own love life to look after!
It’s okay to take some private time in a relationship. In fact, a little personal space can be quite healthy. Go ahead and ask for what you need.
If it were a business day, you would never sign on the dotted line. That’s because you’re just not clicking with those around you. Wait until you are getting along better with others before making any decisions, financial or otherwise.