Scorpio Daily Forecast

The conflicts or challenges that are going on in your life right now may be making it tough for you to keep smiling all day long, but are they really that bad? Give them another look and you just might see a silver lining in all those clouds. Be open-minded about the fact that things happen for a reason, and you’ll know what the reason is soon enough. Good friends offer words of encouragement that can help put things in perspective and keep you chugging along.
Your focus is centered on your home today, and your emotional state is also in the spotlight. Go ahead and start the cleaning frenzy. That messy closet isn’t the only thing that needs work.
Inspiration often comes from unexpected places. Today an offhand remark by your honey will provide the spark you need to get going. If there’s a big project you’ve been wanting to start, now’s the time to do it!
You know how to get creative with numbers. In fact, you can use them to express your ideas. You did just that and now you’re ready to move on to something that uses a different language. It’s all based on the same philosophy.