Scorpio Daily Forecast

In the mood to change something about your place? Thinking that maybe it’s time for a little redecorating? Or are you considering something a bit more drastic, such as moving to a foreign country? Whatever it is, ignoring it won’t help. You need to be happy where you are, and if you’re feeling antsy and restless, you’re not happy. Do whatever it takes to feel better.
Watch out for others’ feelings today. You might inadvertently insult someone with a sarcastic comment. New people aren’t used to your usual brand of humor. Be conservative with your opinions.
A situation that seemed out of your hands will turn out to be easily solved by you. Since you can determine the outcome, you can turn this into something that is beneficial to you and your partner.
You’re the underdog, but don’t let on. Pretending you have all aces in your hand just might help you get them there. Take the motto ‘dress for success’ as far as you possibly can.