Scorpio Daily Forecast

You’ve never minded working overtime. Much. You do whatever it takes to get things done right, but when it’s time for fun, it’s time for fun. In fact, for a while you’ve been thinking about taking time off. You may have come close to marching up to your boss and telling them (not asking) that you’re wandering off, at least for a week or so. Now is the time, but you do need to temper your words if you’d like to return to work eventually.
You’re just about to put one of your bright ideas into romantic action, but hold your horses! If your intentions aren’t crystal clear, they’re likely to be misread, which could be a wee bit embarrassing.
You’re impressive today, and they’re noticing. In fact, chances are they’re thinking how lucky they are to be with someone this articulate, intelligent, and compassionate. Good thing you feel the same way about them.
You’re projecting a beloved image onto someone you don’t really know. They may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but you’re taking care of the illusion for them. Be brave. Find out who you’re really dealing with before you take out your wallet.