Scorpio Daily Forecast
If you’re looking for an easy way to get through a busy day, spend part of your morning getting the rest of the day organized. You might not be a morning person, but once you start seeing how things fall into place, your energy level will go through the roof. Nothing is as exciting as new possibilities for you right now, and there will be many in your day. Things are going to get done, deadlines will be met, and your schedule is going to have a lot more room — for a lot more fun.
Your amazing brain is faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall concepts in a single bound! Make the most of it, and show the world that you’re capable of some heroics when your mind is involved.
Still crazy about each other after all these years? Good for you! Now is a great time to express your feelings. Be original. Flowers are nice, but an interpretive dance is hilarious and sweet.
You can’t understand how others can remain so cool when you are falling apart. Try to respond to your financial problems the way they do — intellectually. You can think your way out of your situation easier than you can cry your way out of it.