Scorpio Daily Forecast
Caution with your feelings is one thing, but refusing to let yourself feel vulnerable is another, and it’s a killer! Listen to your instincts about this new situation. They should tell you what to do. If you feel anxious, talk about everything (and your new plans) with someone close who has given you a few reality checks previously. If all goes well, get ready to open up.
Romance is starting to blossom, so don’t let somebody’s criticism knock you off your rosy cloud of goodwill. Remember that this sourpuss is very likely projecting their problems onto you. Stay the course.
Toss anything toxic out the door when it comes to your relationship. You and your partner might have fallen into some unhealthy patterns lately. If you take action now, you can stop this situation in its tracks.
Don’t be passive about bumps in the road. They all add up — and quicker than you think. If you expect to be going somewhere in your financial life, then it’s up to you to take an active role. Take over the wheel.