Scorpio Daily Forecast
Be careful not to relax too much today. If you let down your guard, you could start falling back into a bad pattern of behavior. You worked too hard to get to where you are now, so don’t let yourself slide. Self-discipline can be tough when you’re on your own, so if you feel yourself succumbing to temptation, try the buddy system. Talk to a friend and take your mind off whatever it is that you know isn’t good for you!
It’s a good time to form a partnership, but since marriage might be rushing it a bit, how about sealing the date with a goodnight kiss instead. (By the way, you need to call them first.)
Getting to know yourself better should never be a temporary thing. When both of you spend time alone, you realize that you’re each an interesting individual, not just half of a couple.
Don’t take what you have for granted. You could be stuck between a rock and a hard place like the rest of the world. Instead, you have not one but two ideal situations to choose from. Hurry, because everything is changeable.