Daily Forecast Scorpio 11-08


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s just one of those days, or nights, as the case may be, when no matter what you’re doing, suddenly something else sounds more appealing. If you’re out and about, the cozy comforts of home will likely start calling to you. If you’re nesting on the couch, a little stir-craziness could set in. Solo time might sound perfect, then you’re on the phone chitchatting for an hour. If you’re with someone, you might want to be alone. Keep your plans loose and your options open.

Singles Lovescope

Call a faraway friend. Distance keeps you apart, but you remain close. Fill them in on all your latest adventures and don’t spare any details! Celebrating the people you care about will reinforce their importance in your life.

Couple Lovescope

Is your tongue getting tied in knots every time you try and broach a certain topic with your partner? Take a few deep breaths and figure out your end result before you start the talk.


Worrying won’t help you. Your financial arrangements may go wrong, but then again, they may go right. Don’t let nagging insecurities and fears push you to consider a scheme instead of a plan. Your financial future, like everything else in your life, is tied to your integrity.



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