Daily Forecast Scorpio 11-23


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your strong desire to get closer to a new person on the scene might be misguided. Are they really deserving of your admiration? Some soul-searching could be required on this matter today. The choices you make about the people you invite into your life are important, and you need to be sure you’re choosing these people based on the right reasons. Disposable friendships might give you someone to shoot the breeze with, but they offer very little value.

Singles Lovescope

It’s about tending to your separate sides, the public and the private. While you’re hard at work on inner issues, it’s important to keep up appearances. Even if you feel like shutting down and hiding, don’t. The extra effort is worth the pain.

Couple Lovescope

You can’t take everything your partner says personally, not even when it’s directed at you. The truth is every person contains multitudes. Be there for them, and be there and support yourself too.


You’ll be getting some correspondence, and not just of the superficial variety. It might be in the form of a bill or pay advice, but whichever direction it comes in, attend to the details.



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