Daily Forecast Scorpio 12-04


Scorpio Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You’re approaching a critical point in one of your relationships. Things evolving toward the professional and away from the romantic, but where you would like them to go? You can still correct this course, and the sooner you realize this the better. But if you aren’t certain, you need to have a tactful conversation soon. Ask them the right questions in order to find out if what you want could ever happen. Don’t give up until you know that you need to.

Singles Lovescope

You had everything all lined up perfectly. It was all about to fall into place and then it went bust. Oh well. Guess it just wasn’t meant to be. Best keep your head down and try again later.

Couple Lovescope

The two of you talk and talk and talk, but you’ve been in the same situation for months, maybe even years. At some point it’s time to act. Even if it’s a small step, it’s a small step in the right direction.


Nothing is written in stone, even your investment strategy. Make that especially your investment strategy. Take out your compass and start charting a new course to the end goal. The only thing that should remain the same is the destination.



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