Scorpio Daily Forecast

Regardless of advice coming from friends, you feel like taking a chance yet again. That’s almost always your best bet, especially when it comes to relationships (even secret ones). When (not if) your instinct tells you some new acquaintance should be around for a while, even if they’re not currently single, pay attention. It can help point you in a brand-new direction. Make sure you’re patient while they’re disentangling themselves.
Let yourself go! Restricting your fun is pointless. You might as well do what your heart tells you, because the logical side isn’t paying attention. Have fun and take along someone special.
Like it or not, money is pivotal in a relationship, and an issue surrounding it could come up now. Take time to make sure you’re on the same page about financial values and goals.
When it comes to money, you’re rather like the little girl with the little red curl: You’re either doing extremely well or you’re horrid. Dumping your feast or famine mentality will go a long way toward achieving some kind of financial balance in your life. Work on your attitude.