Taurus Daily Forecast
A new beginning is coming in an old relationship, and you should start to feel it before the end of the day. This is a good time to reach out to this person and suggest an intimate and casual outing. The two of you could use some uninterrupted quiet time to catch up and create new plans for the future together. The balance between you two has shifted, and they are ready to let you take more control. They recognize the changes in you, and want to show you the changes they’ve made.
Take a big step back and look at your situation dispassionately. Your path may feel like the one of least resistance, but that doesn’t mean it’s best for you. Try a slightly different direction!
Excited happiness leads you two off to a big adventure. Whether you’re scaling mountains or learning to fly, it’s time to make the dreams come true. Go find some thrills.
It’s painful, but it’s time to start thinking about calling in the debts others owe you. You’d much prefer to be the generous benefactor but reality is what it is. If it’s any consolation to you, they’re up for the hard work of repaying you.