Taurus Daily Forecast

A personal issue that was recently pretty stormy turns the page and becomes rather sweet just when you were ready to give up. It’s a pleasant surprise, but it’s also quite timely. You were just about ready to turn your back on fate and make a hasty choice. Everything has finally come together in a way you would never have seen coming, but you’re quite happy with the results.
Your first inclination is totally over the top. That usually works for you, but not so much today. The people around you are extremely vulnerable to powerful energy and they may recoil from your enthusiasm. Tone it down and speak with a soft voice!
Frankly, you think you’re getting short shrift in this relationship. If you reexamine these events with a new attitude, does that still seem like it’s true? Initial appearances can be awfully deceiving.
When someone tries to treat you, focus on their gesture and not the end result. The petty picture is just not as pretty as the bigger one is. Once you realize you can deal with things not being exactly to your specifications, you can relax enough to enjoy yourself. In fact, you may be at risk of overindulging.