Taurus Daily Forecast

Change is necessary for several reasons, and you completely understand that. After all, change is second nature to you, and the more sudden the better. Still, even you occasionally have a problem adapting, especially if it happens without your input. Fortunately, everything that’s going on now was more or less personally orchestrated by you. Count your blessings and resolve to be patient if it’s not always this way.
You need a plan — an honest-to-goodness to-do list, bullet points and all! Jot down the friends you want to set you up, for example, or the hip cafes you want to start hanging out in. Add structure to your romantic quest.
Spontaneity will return another day — for now, you need to stick with the program. Whatever your sweetie is expecting, make sure that you’ve got it all under control until tomorrow at least.
You feel a bit singled out. Take a look around you, if not at the news. Other peoples’ money is just as badly affected as yours is. Feeling sorry for yourself is energy that could be spent elsewhere.