Taurus Daily Forecast

You have such high energy today that your dismally brief list of things to do will feel almost like a disappointment. But never fear. Turn your energy toward your emotions, and you’ll soon find that you can make a lot of progress untangling some complicated knots that have been tying up your tongue and keeping you from communicating clearly to the people you love most. Concentrate on letting someone you care about know just how much you care about them.
Take care of those work essentials this morning. Deal with your boss and work on that presentation. Later this afternoon, your social energy heats up, and by then you won’t want to bother with office matters.
Make plans with your partner, avoiding too many restrictions. The future holds infinite possibilities. Decide which route you’d like to take and give it a reasonable timeline.
Put all the inner chatter out of your head. Attend to errands or simple chores around the house to keep from thinking. The only anxiety you shouldn’t ignore involves paying the bills.