Taurus Daily Forecast

No other sign enjoys shopping as much as you. Of course, you’ve probably been trying to go easy in that department since you’re still paying off the credit card bills from this time last year, but now your skills are needed. You’ve been called upon to teach a shopping-challenged friend how to compare, haggle, and be in the right place at the right time to scoop up the absolute best deal. You’re up for the challenge!
Today calls for sacrifice on your part, so don’t expect to have much time to yourself. Don’t dread it. Just put your head down and follow through. Someone cute might catch your eye.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t see into the future. Why would you want to? It’s like reading the end of a book first or having someone tell you the end to a movie. You and your partner need to enjoy the present.
The last few months have turned you into an old relatives, or so it seems when you look in the mirror. If you’ve taken a beating, it’s time for a vacation, with or without all the trappings.