Taurus Daily Forecast

Withholding your true feelings about a person might seem like a wise strategy. You know, if you can’t say something nice, it’s better to say nothing at all. But to some, holding back your true feelings is the same as keeping a secret. They feel left out, not knowing what you really think. You can’t be the perfect diplomat all the time, so loosen up and feel free to share your genuine thoughts. It’s not idle gossip. It’s just honest communication.
You’ve got it and you know it, so make sure you show it! Your energy is pushing you to take risks and make big plays, so go! When it comes to love, you can really score right now.
Something that you’ve been looking forward to might need to be postponed. Although you’re disappointed, don’t take it out on your loved one. Remember, they’re disappointed too.
You need a few positive signs to let you know your efforts are worthwhile. Even one will do. But while you’re confident the final outcome will be positive, you also have to endure the ups and downs that go with getting there. Accept that you are in a dip for the time being.