Taurus Daily Forecast

Is a thorough housecleaning or redecoration in order? Your home environment is very important to your happiness right now. It’s the place where you recharge your batteries each day. If you can’t feel relaxed at home, you won’t be able to feel relaxed anywhere else. You can see what needs to be fixed or changed right now, and you know you need to do it, so why not get to it? You’ll feel much happier once things are the way you want them to be.
Chatting with a new person online can lead to all sorts of unexpected places now. You’re thinking big and expressing yourself beautifully, and they’re loving you.
You can’t get there from here until you know exactly where “here” is. And before you and your partner sit down and figure out what’s next, you have to sit down and figure out where you are.
You’re plagued by deep emotions. Yes, plagued, because they are hard to experience without flinching. People pay good money for experiences such as this, so flinch if you must, but don’t ignore.